
PSYC 3341: Social Psychology

Learn How Situations Affect Our Thoughts, Feelings, and Behavior

Social psychology is the scientific study of how people think, feel, and behave in different situations. We'll cover topics ranging from emotions and romantic relationships to group behavior and how we think about and perceive the world around us.

You'll learn about how situations affect human behavior. You'll also learn about how methodological choices in psychological research can affect the validity of studies' results.

Social psychology has one of the lowest replication rates (i.e., highest false-findings rate) in all of psychology. Thus, this course will also teach you the critically important skill of how to recognize false, unreplicable, "so-called-science," from real, trustworthy, replicable, high-quality, and truly scientific findings.

Dr. Hudson offers this course only during May-term intersessions.

Demo PSYC 3341 Syllabus