Δ Lab

Undergraduate Opportunities

The Delta Adult Attachment & Personality Development Lab (Δ) studies adult personality development (how and why people's personalities change across time) and adult attachment (individual differences in how people form close relationships). Each semester, Δ has several undergraduate research assistant (RA) positions available.

What do RAs do?

Δ is an R1 research lab whose primary purpose is to conduct scientific research that will eventually be published in academic journals. RAs in the lab are involved with multiple aspects of the research process. RAs help run studies, code data, and sometimes even help generate new research questions to explore. As a Δ RA, you'll gain valuable experience in the research process that will be helpful if you decide to pursue graduate school or any other research-related career (e.g., data analysis in industry).

We also have regular lab meetings in which we discuss contemporary research articles. The purpose of these meetings is to help you learn how to read and discuss scientific findings. During these meetings, we critique the articles we read and brainstorm potential future research directions.

Get Involved!

If you'd like to join Δ, complete an online application. The application process is competitive and RA positions are limited each semester. Accepted RAs can enroll in PSYC 3099 (0 credits), 3299 (2 credits), or 3399 (3 credits). We require a minimum commitment of 6 hours per week. You can fill out an application at any time. However, our lab will only review applications in the first week and final week of each semester (thus, if you fill out the application in the middle of the semester, you probably won't hear from us for a while).

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