I'm a 5-year-old puppy!
WHAT?!—you say that 5 years old isn't a puppy anymore? I'll fight you (but not really, because I'm really, really friendly...).
Shortly after birth, I was orphaned in Mexia, Texas. My siblings and I survived an awful car crash—but our poor mother unfortunately did not. I was only about 4 weeks old at the time... so I really don't remember much about that. Nevertheless, I've worked hard to overcome those challenges. To that end—I LOVE my adoptive daddy (who adopted me at about 10 weeks of age). And I'm now somehow part of a world-class lab in personality psychology! I'm half lab. And now I'm part of a world-class lab? Coincidence? I dunno.... Weird things happen if you just believe.
(Is Josh Groban supposed to start singing here? Did we pay him to sing here?? I'm just a dog—dammit! Who was supposed to get Josh Groban on board here???)
They taste so good!
Especially with cheddar cheese!
Anyone who gives me chicken is my bestest friend, ever!
I want to learn all about the chickens!
Do they offer a PhD in "chickens"??!
I'm pretty sure that, as a good boy, I deserve chicken.
I'm quite interested in this mysterious animal. I've never met it. But I want to soooo bad!!!
It always runs away so quickly. But I'm sure that we could be best friends.
If I ever meet a squirrel, I'm sure that we can work out our differences and be bestest friends forever!
Dog seeks squirrel companion. You are likely the love of my life. I smelled you and cannot stop seeking you. Please contact me to connect. Please. Pleeeeaaaasssseeee....