Hudson, N. W., & Roberts, B. W. (2014). Goals to change personality traits: Concurrent links between personality traits, daily behavior, and goals to change oneself.
Journal of Research in Personality, 53, 68-83.
All items should be administered in randomized order.
All items should be rated with the following response scale:
- Much less than I currently am
- Less than I currently am
- I do not want to change in this trait
- More than I currently am
- Much more than I currently am
Reverse items marked with (R).
Average items 1-8 to form a composite for goals to change extraversion.
Average items 9-17 to form a composite for goals to change agreeableness.
Average items 18-26 to form a composite for goals to change conscientiousness.
Average items 27-34 to form a composite for goals to change emotional stability.
Average items 35-44 to form a composite for goals to change openness.